PA International integrates its networks with those of its sponsoring companies in reaction to humanitarian disasters. It tries to help with knowledge and management experience.
Through its main office in Brussels as well as its regional branches, PA International ensures access to high offices of government and the corporate sector. This network is particularly valuable in times of crises when experts and material are indispensable. In times of confusion and chaos PA International contributes the proper know-how and management.
PA International has chosen to devote much of its resources to the Republic of Indonesia, which includes the world’s largest Muslim population; its tolerance and respect for all other religions will help it grow into the world’s 4th largest economy by 2050 (McKinsey, PwC).

News, speeches, presentations
- Opening Address by Co-founder/First Chair of the JASON Institute, Rio Praaning Prawira Adiningrat, on the occasion of its 45th Anniversary symposium ‘The Changing role of NATO: Challenges on all fronts’, Grote Kerk, The Hague, 9th April 2021