Baron Paul De Keersmaeker (1929-2022)
Honorary Chairman
Former Minister of Agriculture of Belgium
Professor Mark Eyskens
Minister of State; Former Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, of the Budget, of Development Cooperation, of Belgium
Mr Ad Melkert
Former UN Under-Secretary-General; Former Minister of Social Affairs of The Netherlands; Chairman of the Dutch Hospitals Association NVZ
Prof. Dr Ir Joris Voorhoeve
Professor of International Organizations; Former Member of the Netherlands Council of State
Rio PP Adiningrat
Mr Rio Praaning Prawira Adiningrat
Secretary General
Managing Partner, PA group of companies
Ms Karen Meesen
Deputy Secretary General
Deputy Director International Operations, PA group of companies
Dr Amer Al Rawas
Senior Advisor, Oman
Founding Partner, Paradigms Consulting; Former CEO of Omantel
Sayyid Nooh Al-Busaidi
Member of the State Council of Oman
Mr Endy Bayuni
Senior Advisor, Indonesia
Senior Editor and former Editor-in-Chief, The Jakarta Post
Dr Alexander A. Bessmertnykh
Senior Advisor, Russia
Former Foreign Minister of Russia
Prof. Frits Bolkestein
Special Advisor
Former European Commissioner for the Internal Market, former Minister of Defense, The Netherlands
Ambassador Luc Carbonez
Former Belgian Ambassador to Canada and The Netherlands
Mr David Cary
Science Advisor
Board Member of PAN Europe; former Executive Director of IBMA
Dr Werner Christie
Senior Advisor
Former Health Minister of Norway
Mr F.H.G. (Frank) de Grave
Member of the Dutch Council of State; Former Minister of Defense of The Netherlands
Mr Wim De Herdt
Senior Advisor, Logistics
Former Director of DAF Trucks
Dr Joop de Vries
Former Director Shell Group Planning
Lt. Gen. Torgeir Hagen
Former Head of the Norwegian Intelligence Agency
Ambassador Tibor Kiss
Former Ambassador of Hungary to the EU
Dr Mike Knowles
Former VP Global Scientific & Regulatory Affairs, The Coca-Cola Company
Dr Bayu Krisnamurthi
Senior Advisor, Indonesia
Former Vice Minister of Trade and of Agriculture of Indonesia
Mr Michael Kuhn
Senior Advisor, Ethics & Morality
Senior Advisor in charge of Ecology & Sustainability, COMECE
Dr Widjaja Lukito
Senior Advisor on Health, PA Jakarta
Former Indonesian Presidential Advisor on Public Health
Dr Kong Pingtao
Deputy Secretary General Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine (CAAV)
RNDr. Pavel Poc
Former Member of the European Parliament and Vice-Chairman of its ENVI Committee (Environment, Public Health and Food Safety)
Dr W.F. (Wim) van Eekelen
Former Minister of Defense of The Netherlands
Mr Herbert Visscher
Senior Advisor, Development Economics
Development Economist, Financial Expert; Former EVP AEGON and GM ABN AMRO
Ambassador Lode Willems
Former Ambassador of Belgium in the United Kingdom and Germany
Dr Xuepeng Cai
Senior Advisor, China
President, China Veterinary Drugs Association; Former Director General China Institute of Veterinary Drugs Control (IVDC)
Dr Qin Zhenkui
Senior Advisor, China
Former President Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ); former Director General of Ex/Import Food/Feed

PA Academic Chairs:

Prof. Dr Ruud Schotting
Holder of the Sultan Qaboos Academic Chair for Quantitative Water Management, Utrecht University
Mr Nanak Hikmatullah
Holder of the Edgar Brood Academic Chair for English and Information Technology, University Siliwangi