Herman the Bull
Herman the Bull
‘Stier Herman’. The world’s first transgenic (human to animal) animal. Created to produce a group of lactating cows with the human gene codifying for ‘lactoferrin’. Lactoferrin confers immunity from mother to child. Produced in cow milk, human lactoferrin is the basis for unique medicines for persons with immune deficiencies (for example HIV). PA Europe crafted the strategy to introduce the new technology and to create the required legislative framework for the controlled use of this technology. An important element in this strategy was broad stakeholder support including patient groups.
Kursk and Komsomolets
Kursk and Komsomolets
The Russian nuclear submarines Komsomolets and Kursk sank in 1989 and 2000 respectively. PA Europe helped bring together the technical and industrial stakeholders as well as environmental groups and Russian authorities to resolve the rising nuclear threat to the maritime environment. For the salvaging of the subs PA gratefully cooperated with Greenpeace on the Kursk and with Bellona on the Komsomolets.
Port of Sohar, Sultanate of Oman
Port of Sohar, Sultanate of Oman
PA Europe promoted and helped establish the required new industrial and governmental partnerships for the development of the Port of Sohar.
LNG terminal, Milford Haven, UK
LNG terminal, Milford Haven, UK
PA Europe promoted and helped establish the required new industrial and governmental partnerships towards the development of an LNG terminal in the port of Milford Haven in the UK.
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
PA Europe served as strategic and operational adviser to the Dutch Government winning a vote in the United Nations on the location of this international watch dog organization’s headquarters.
New EU Food Enzymes Regulation
New EU Food Enzymes Regulation
Through ‘Elite Polls’, conferences and intensive ‘lobby by body’ PA Europe helped all stakeholders to agree on this new regulation, particularly easing the use of new technologies.
First ever rDNA/White Biotech in Food
First ever rDNA/White Biotech in Food
A unique partnership with the UK Vegetarian Society and consumer associations securing critical understanding leading to public, food industry and political support for unlabelled use of cheese produced through a yeast construct rather than calves’ stomachs.
Mergers & Aquisitions
Mergers & Aquisitions
PA’s unprecedented SWOT/Friend-or-Foe/Pyramid/Timeline approach secures success in virtually all cases.